How To Cultivate Your Intuition Into A Superpower

Understanding how to hear and use your intuitive knowing as a key guide in your life may seem unreachable, but with a little practice - you can tap into your inner insight and unconscious knowing in no time! The Western world of logic and reasoning can oftentimes discredit intuition as foolish or unfounded, but as you dive deeper into learning who you are and how you tick, you’ll find that this power is part of our innate being and one of your greatest guides.

Intuition is something each of us possesses, and it’s a gift we can use to aid in our spiritual wellbeing. Furthermore, tapping into our own intuition allows us to move more confidently through this world, and it gives us an extended opportunity to serve others more authentically. 

Types of intuition (yes, there are several!)

  1. Clairaudience (Inner Talk)

    • Think of clairaudience like your inner dialogue. It’s a soft, gentle voice that could either be coming from your highest self, or it could be someone/something communicating with you from outside of this realm. What’s important to remember is this type of intuition is calming, and it comes when you’re in need of guidance. 

  2. Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing)

    • Being clairvoyant means one receives insight as through visuals/symbolism. This clear seeing gift allows an individual to gather understandings into events that have or have yet to happen, usually with no knowledge of the insight prior to obtaining it. This intuitive gift often comes through as active or vivid dreaming and may also materializes in the form of a metaphor, creative insight, or vision whether it be an image or a scene.

  3. Clairsentience (Feeling)

    • A clairsentient is one who experiences intuitive messages through a feeling, commonly known as a “gut feeling”. We often think of folks with clairsentience as empaths, since they are innately able to read and feel the emotions of others. Think of clairsentience like the nose of a dog. Dogs, unlike humans, have a high sense of smell and are able to sense so much more. This is equivalent to a clairsentient. 

  4. Claircognizance (Clear Knowing)

    • Imagine downloading a large file onto your desktop from a thumb drive. This is what it’s like to have claircognizance. Claircognizant folks receive these downloads about people or situations that come from their inner intuition. It’s an overall “knowing” without “knowing why”. 


How to cultivate your inner intuitive

In order to use your intuition as a superpower, you must grow the intuitive muscle. Much like you would exercise your body to get stronger, you must exercise your Ajna chakra to become proficient in recognizing your inner power. Here are some ways you can start this work:

  1. Pay attention to your reactions. The single most important thing you can do to start this work is to lean into your immediate reactions to a situation or person. Instead of letting external stimuli affect your understanding of the world and those in it, try to focus on your gut reaction. This is something you must practice that you will master with time. 

  2. Ask questions. Try to form a foundation of curiosity with yourself, the world, and those in it. When you get incredibly clear about the information you need to know, your intuition will deliver. You must maintain an active role in what you want from your intuition. Asking specific and intentional questions will get you there.  

  3. Ask for signs. This step rolls up into the last. Not only are you asking your inner wisdom questions, but you are also asking for signs. These signs can manifest in myriad ways. They can materialize as goose bumps, a lump in the throat, a movie in the mind, or even quick, flashing images. These are signs you need to give your undivided attention to, and the more you ask for them, the more you will receive them. 

  4. Look inward. It’s time to get incredibly comfortable with yourself. If you don’t know who you are and what your purpose is in this world, you must start that journey. Self-understanding is arguably the biggest gift you can give yourself, and it’s paramount to developing a strong intuition. You can do this by focusing on your needs, recharging when your body and soul are calling you to, understanding your own patterns and stories you tell yourself, and more.

  5. Meditate. When you calm the monkey mind, you open the doors to both your conscious and unconscious self. A daily meditation practice brings consistency and routine into your life, and it offers you the chance to get very quiet with yourself. This aids in helping you pay more attention to your gut reactions and feelings, the signs you receive, and the answers to your questions. Meditation drowns out the external so that you may go internal, and it is an excellent way to cultivate your intuitive power.

  6. Trust yourself. So often we fail to grow because of our lack of self-trust. You must have faith in yourself, with no hesitation, in order to do this work. You can do this by repeating affirmative mantras (example: I trust my inner wisdom). You can do this by practicing the previous steps and recognizing the growth between and within each step. You can even do this by connecting with others and asking them why or how they trust you. 


Collect your intuitive tools

To cultivate is to nurture, and there are many tools to help you nurture your intuition. Below is a quick list for you to explore on your journey inward:

  1. Automatic writing / journaling (psychography or personal journaling)

  2. Crystal earth guides (aventurine, clear quartz, and sodalite are excellent to start)

  3. Pendulums (remember to ask yes or no questions!)

  4. Sound and frequency music (binaural beats for intuition and sound baths are great)

  5. Breathwork and meditation (use this to clear out stagnancy and achieve better internal flow)

  6. Go outdoors (grounding, walking, foraging, hiking, exploring, gardening)

  7. Explore nutrition & eat more blue (implement darker blue foods that will boost your 3rd eye abilities like blueberries, eggplant, purple cabbage or plums.)

  8. Oracle and tarot readings (connecting with others for guidance)


Yearning for more?

Practicing and studying these key concepts, with the help of working with an intuitive guide like me, will support you on your journey towards spiritual wellbeing. All in all, trust the vibes you get. Energy doesn’t lie. And if you are yearning for more, I can help


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