How to Manifest with Candle Magick

Manifestation is a theory that is associated with the law of attraction, and it’s the act of making one’s dreams and desires come to fruition by way of positive understanding and meditation. Oftentimes, one will use a mixture of ritual tools to aid in their manifestation practices. 

One of my favorite tools is candle magick, and it has become one of my go-to manifestation techniques. Although this is the practice of modern spellwork, candle magick is sacred, ancient, and has been passed onto me through revelation. It is my purpose to utilize my innate gifts to guide others in this work.

Candle magick, of course, incorporates the use of candles, as they not only integrate one’s intention, but they provide feedback via candle wax after it has fully burned. Personally, I prefer a more detached manifestation style; this allows me to release the intricate details and submit to Spirit in a way that promotes faith and inner-knowing. This allows me to immerse myself in the work with hope, while feeling fully protected and supported throughout. 

Start your own modern spellwork with two simple tools

  1. A white candle. White candles promote serenity, peace, and enhance insight and personal steadfastness. However, they are also a blank-slate candle and can take on any intention one chooses. Different colors mean different things, and white is a great color to use when starting out. 

  2. A match + striker. Please remember, any time you work with a flame, it can be unruly. Be sure to keep your candle attended and place in a safe environment.

Your candle magick manifestation guide

  1. Identify your intention or desired outcome. Take a few moments to really ponder what it is you want in this world, getting incredibly clear in the heart and mind. 

  2. Write out your desired outcome as an affirming statement. For example, I am wealthy and prosperous in every aspect of my life. Your turn!

  3. Cleanse your space. Clear out the cobwebs of your space, both literally and energetically. Offer up a room or area that is clean and tidy, and cleanse the energy with sage. 

  4. Take three deep breaths. Dirga pranayama (three-part breath) is an excellent method of breathing for candle magick manifestation. 

  5. Offer up some gratitude. What is present already that affirms what your intention requests? What can you identify that proves you already have what you are asking for? Identify and sit with it for a moment. Feel free to write it down if you’d like. 

  6. Recite your affirming statement out loud. Hold the candle in your hand as you do so. 

  7. Light the candle. This activates your spell. 

  8. Let the candle burn fully. Please remember, don’t blow out this candle, let it burn fully or snuff.

  9. Sit for a moment, you are aligned with peace and fully supported. With this knowing your magic is transpiring and unfolding for your highest good.

*You may add additional tools to your alter for this practice, crystals, fruit or any item that symbolized good intention for you.

Yearning for more?

I’ve created these candle spell cards to help introduce this powerful tool into your own ritual practices. Each candle is hand-poured with the intention to support your journey with aromatherapy influence. I’ve paired each candle with a card that provides you a step-by-step instruction for how to incorporate your truest intention using earth tools from Sacramento local @crystalrisingco.


Candle Colors and Their Meanings


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